Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Can Happen if You Ignore an Abscessed Tooth

What Could Happen if You Ignore an Abscessed Tooth

The idea of having to undergo a root canal fills many people with dread and can lead to avoiding treatment for dental problems. While it is never a good idea to ignore tooth pain, if you have an abscess, doing so could prove downright dangerous.
An abscess is caused by an infection inside of the pulp of the teeth. In some cases, the infection exits the root tip and destroys the surrounding bone.  The natural defense system can contain and wall off the infection, but it is rare that the immune system alone can completely eliminate the infection. Abscesses typically worsen when ignored, posing a risk for a variety of complications, including:
- Increased pain - As an abscess worsens, pain can become unbearable, making it difficult for those with infections to work and perform everyday tasks. Chewing might become impossible due to the extreme discomfort.
- Tooth loss - When abscesses are severe, the tooth may be beyond repair and will then require extraction.
- Spread of infection to surrounding areas - The infection from an abscessed tooth can spread into the soft tissue of the face as cellulitis or the jawbone as osteomyelitis.
- Sepsis - An untreated abscess can spread infection to the blood, causing a life-threatening condition called sepsis.
- Pneumonia - Abscessed have been linked with serious cases of pneumonia when the infection spreads to the lungs.
The good news is that a root canal can easily treat an abscess, and root canal therapy isn't the torturous procedure that most imagine. Most patients report that a getting a root canal feels like receiving a standard filling. At RCT Endodontics, we have a variety of options available that will ease any anxiety you may have about treatment so you are comfortable at all times. Because we use the latest technology at our practice, we can perform root canal treatments more quickly than you might expect.

Don't ignore the symptoms of an abscess, such as a fever, tooth pain, swollen glands and swelling of the gums. Contact RCT Endodontics today to schedule an exam.

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