Thursday, April 3, 2014

Signs You May Have a Cracked Tooth

You May Have A Cracked Tooth and Not Even Know It

When you think of a cracked tooth, you probably imagine a huge fissure running through the dental enamel or a part of a tooth breaking off or feeling loose and unstable. While it's true that severely cracked teeth can be blatantly obvious, and that large cracks are visible to the naked eye, many times, patients who have cracked teeth can't tell just from looking at or feeling their teeth.
Tiny cracks that are invisible to the naked eye can cause noticeable symptoms. Often, patients with cracked teeth come in just knowing that "something is wrong," only to have the crack discovered with digital x-rays, fiber optic transillumination or inspection with a microscope.
Here are some of the signs of a cracked tooth that indicate you should see an endodontist:
- Ongoing pain confined to one tooth - Discomfort from a cracked tooth typically persists day-in and day-out. It may be constant or only be detectable when you chew. The pain could be sharp or more of a dull ache.
- Temperature sensitivity - Cracks in dental enamel may expose the nerves inside of the tooth, resulting in temperature sensitivity. If a hot cup of coffee, an ice cream cone or breathing in through your mouth on a cold day result in sudden, sharp pain, you may have a crack in your tooth.
- Pain tied to certain foods - You may develop sensitivity to sour and sweet foods if you have a cracked tooth. Acids in these foods can affect exposed nerves, leading to sudden pain.
Ignoring the subtle signs of a cracked tooth could lead to more severe cracking and the need for more complex treatment. If you're experiencing any of the signs of a cracked tooth, schedule an appointment with RCT Endodontics.

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