Thursday, March 27, 2014

10 Myths about Root Canals

People seem to cringe when they hear the words root canal. I know that I used to. But reading the truth about these 10 root canal myths can help you get a better sense of what having a root canal really is all about.

1. Root Canals Hurt

According to the American Association of Endodontists, the perception of root canals being painful began decades ago when root canal treatments were painful. Today, with modern technology and better anesthetics, root canal treatments are no more painful than having a filling. Knowing what to expect while having a root canal can help ease a lot of anxiety.

2. Root Canals Require a lot of Visits to the Dentist

With today's cutting edge technology, most root canals can be performed in one or two office visits.

3. Crowns Cause Teeth to Need Root Canals

Many people believe that having a crown on a tooth means that the tooth will eventually need a root canal. Crowns do not cause the need for root canal therapy. If a crowned tooth does require a root canal, it could be that the tooth has abscessed or that decay has gotten underneath the crown and reached the pulp of the tooth.

4. Root Canals Cause Illness

There is no evidence to support that root canals cause illness. However, there is evidence to support the fact that people who have had root canals are no more at risk for developing illness than people who have never had root canals.

5. Root Canals Involve Removing the Roots of the Tooth

When the dentist or endodontist performs a root canal treatment, he or she remove the pulp from inside of the tooth. The roots of the tooth are not removed.

6. Pregnant Women Can't Have Root Canals

Pregnant women can and do have root canals. Having a root canal does require a small x-ray, but the radiation exposure is very minimal and the x-ray is aimed at the mouth, not the abdomen area. If you are pregnant and your dentist needs to give you an x-ray, he will use a lead apron to cover your belly. The anesthetics that dentists use are also safe for pregnant women.Be sure to let your dentist know beforehand if you are pregnant.

7. Even With A Root Canal, The Tooth Will Come Out Eventually

If you have your tooth properly restored, maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for regular checkups, your natural tooth could last for the rest of your life.

8. If the Tooth Doesn't Hurt, There is no Need for a Root Canal

While a throbbing toothache usually results in the need for root canal treatment, many times a tooth can require root canal treatment when there is no pain present. Dentists and endodontists are specially trained to test a tooth to see if the pulp has been infected or damaged. If this is the case, a root canal would be necessary to save the tooth.

9. Pulling the Tooth is Better than Getting a Root Canal

Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions. There are several options available for missing teeth, such as dentures, partial dentures, dental implants and fixed dental bridges, however, these alternatives can be much more expensive than saving your tooth with a root canal treatment.

10. After Having a Root Canal, My Tooth is Completely Restored

After having a root canal, it is extremely important to make a follow-up appointment with your dentist to have the tooth permanently restored. After the pulp of the tooth has been removed, the tooth can become very dry and brittle. Having a permanent restoration will help protect your tooth from fracturing.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

What Can Happen if You Ignore an Abscessed Tooth

What Could Happen if You Ignore an Abscessed Tooth

The idea of having to undergo a root canal fills many people with dread and can lead to avoiding treatment for dental problems. While it is never a good idea to ignore tooth pain, if you have an abscess, doing so could prove downright dangerous.
An abscess is caused by an infection inside of the pulp of the teeth. In some cases, the infection exits the root tip and destroys the surrounding bone.  The natural defense system can contain and wall off the infection, but it is rare that the immune system alone can completely eliminate the infection. Abscesses typically worsen when ignored, posing a risk for a variety of complications, including:
- Increased pain - As an abscess worsens, pain can become unbearable, making it difficult for those with infections to work and perform everyday tasks. Chewing might become impossible due to the extreme discomfort.
- Tooth loss - When abscesses are severe, the tooth may be beyond repair and will then require extraction.
- Spread of infection to surrounding areas - The infection from an abscessed tooth can spread into the soft tissue of the face as cellulitis or the jawbone as osteomyelitis.
- Sepsis - An untreated abscess can spread infection to the blood, causing a life-threatening condition called sepsis.
- Pneumonia - Abscessed have been linked with serious cases of pneumonia when the infection spreads to the lungs.
The good news is that a root canal can easily treat an abscess, and root canal therapy isn't the torturous procedure that most imagine. Most patients report that a getting a root canal feels like receiving a standard filling. At RCT Endodontics, we have a variety of options available that will ease any anxiety you may have about treatment so you are comfortable at all times. Because we use the latest technology at our practice, we can perform root canal treatments more quickly than you might expect.

Don't ignore the symptoms of an abscess, such as a fever, tooth pain, swollen glands and swelling of the gums. Contact RCT Endodontics today to schedule an exam.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Welcome to our RCT Endodontics blog!

We're excited to announce the official launch of our RCT Endodontics blog.

We'll be posting helpful dental tips, news from the dental industry, news from our practice, and more about the latest in dentistry.

We built our practice on the notion that we're there for our patients when they need us and we want our online presence to be a reflection of that principle. We hope this blog provides an extra level of service to our current and future patients.

If you would like to stay up to date on the latest from RCT Endodontics, simply click the RSS “Subscribe to feed” link located on our website and subscribe. Our subscribers will be updated when we make a new blog post.

Here's to your best oral health ever!